Quantifier Scope
Linguistic and Psychological Perspectives

Northwestern University
Fall 2000

Course Information

Instructors: Prof. Chris Kennedy (Linguistics) and Prof. Lance Rips (Psychology)
Time: Tues. 2.30 - 5.30
Office: 2016 Sheridan Rd. (Kennedy)
Phone: 491-8054 (Kennedy)
Email: kennedy@northwestern.edu (Kennedy)
Office hours: TBD (Kennedy)

Course description

This course explores issues in the semantics of natural language from both a linguistic and a psychological perspective. In particular, we will examine the scope of quantifiers, negation, propositional attitude verbs, and definite/indefinite descriptions in sentences of English and other languages. We will investigate how these phenomena interact with language processing, reasoning, and semantic representation. (The course will be co-taught by Profs. Lance Rips of Psychology and Chris Kennedy of Linguistics.)


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